School of Professional Studies


School of Professional Studies

The School of Professional Studies at Toccoa Falls College is home to three academic departments: Business Administration, Music and Teacher Education. Our highly qualified faculty teach and interact with students from Christian worldview that exemplifies what it means to live for Christ as a professional. Internships, clinical practice experiences, and study abroad opportunities are also an integral part for most majors within the School of Professional Studies to help develop professional skills.

Business Administration Department

The Business Administration Department at Toccoa Falls College prepares you for the global marketplace, equipping you via a comprehensive degree program integrating business knowledge and skills, biblical studies, and personal character development. The department offers a variety of specific business majors to help you prepare for a successful professional career with strong ethical and moral standards in commerce, industry, sport, or nonprofit.

The Department of Business Administration at Toccoa Falls College has received specialized accreditation for its business programs through the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) located at 11960 Quivira Road in Overland Park, Kansas, USA. For a list of accredited programs please view our IACBE Member status page.

Music Department

The Music Department exists to prepare Christian musicians for career ministries in performance, teaching, church worship arts and varied music-related vocations. Students develop and share their God-given abilities by participation in ensembles, recitals, concerts, service projects and ministries. Through these experiences, the Music Department brings the whole person into the learning process through the integration of curricular and co-curricular activities and provides for the dynamic integration of Faith and Learning, together with Character and Intellect. This approach, along with the study of music theory, history, worship music, pedagogy and performance gives students the skills to become highly effective in their chosen field.

Teacher Education Department

Because we believe “teaching is a calling,” the Teacher Education Department seeks to cultivate a uniquely Christian learning community through coursework with in-field experiences, a yearlong clinical practice, and faculty support of candidates in their pursuit of truth with godly character for service in public, private and international schools teaching in grades Pre-K through twelve. The Georgia Professional Standards Commission approves the programs offered and grants graduates eligibility for teacher certification. Certification of graduates gives access to teach in Christian, international, private and public schools.