Statement of Faith
Steadfast & Immovable
Toccoa Falls College is a private, Christian institution that has sought to create and encourage the kind of atmosphere in which quality Christian education can flourish. It is believed that the college should provide the student with a precept and example from which the student can develop personal values within a biblical framework.
The college expects its faculty, staff and students to maintain personal conduct that is spiritually and morally constructive – thus glorifying the Lord in all things. Furthermore, all faculty and staff at Toccoa Falls College are in agreement with the institutional statement of faith.
TFC Statement of Faith
Toccoa Falls College shall teach and defend the historic and basic doctrines of evangelical Christianity such as:
- The verbal inspiration of the Holy Scriptures as originally given.
- The existence and manifestation of one God in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- The incarnation and virgin birth of the Son of God.
- The redemption of man by the vicarious death of Christ on the cross.
- The bodily resurrection from the grave.
- The fact that all men have sinned and consequently must be regenerated by the working of God’s grace.
- Justification by faith.
- The sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in the believer, producing holiness of life and power for service.
- Practical faith in the sufficiency of Christ for spiritual, temporal and physical needs.
- The purifying hope of the Lord’s imminent return.
- The urgency of preaching the gospel to all mankind, that men may be saved from eternal judgment.
- The said college, even though non-sectarian, is to be conducted according to the faith and teaching of the Christian and Missionary Alliance.