Study Abroad

Study Abroad at Toccoa Falls College
Toccoa Falls College promotes a variety of learning experiences in both domestic and global settings. Through participation in a study abroad program, students have the opportunity to be challenged through an engaging, academically focused travel experience with accompanying TFC faculty or through one of our partner organizations.

Why Study Abroad at TFC
Study abroad allows students to explore cultural diversity as part of a programmed learning experience. Toccoa Falls College is committed to providing students with opportunities for intellectual, personal, and spiritual growth as they live and learn in other cultures. Our students are challenged to consider the implications of their faith through an enlarged, global perspective.
Past Study Abroad Destinations:
- Israel
- London
- Italy
- Poland
- Germany
- Austria
- Costa Rica
- Greece
- Nicaragua
- Switzerland
- France


Semester Abroad Internship Opportunities
Toccoa Falls College offers a Semester Abroad study program through a variety of degree programs for students who desire to spend a semester abroad during their TFC experience. With faculty guidance and approval, the student will be placed in one of various international centers and complete fall semester classes while overseas. This opportunity is open to most students but requires careful attention to course scheduling to make it a reality. The student’s academic advisor will help in the process.
TFC offers semester long study abroad opportunities through partnerships with the following organizations: