TFC Professor featured at 2019 Georgia Music Teachers’ Association Annual Conference
Dr. You Ju Lee is a Professor of Piano at Toccoa Falls College. Not only does she inspire and motivate students in the classroom, she is also a world renowned pianist. Dr. Lee gave a featured presentation for the 2019 Georgia Music Teachers’ Association Annual Conference at Columbus State University’s Schwob School of Music on Thursday, November 7th. Dr. Lee’s presentation topic was “Liszt’s Selected Songs and Ballade No. 2.” The contents included Franz Liszt’s values of form, harmony, and thematic development as the essential musical elements, leading to a detailed assessment of Liszt’s output such as texture, in sensible structural features, interpretation and his typical virtuosic devices. The Ballade is Liszt’s most proficient and comprehensible essay in pianistic texture, demonstrating instrumental developments in his work.
TFC is so proud to call Dr. Lee one of our own!
For more information on Dr. Lee as well as the Music Department at Toccoa Falls College, check out her faculty page at