TFC is Excited to Welcome Dr. Gary Chapman
Toccoa Falls College is incredibly excited to welcome Dr. Gary Chapman on September 28 and 29, 2021. Dr. Chapman is a beloved Christian author well-known for his The Five Love Languages series. The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate was published in 1992 and has held the #1 spot on the New York Times bestsellers list on multiple occasions. His work continues to have a lasting impact on multiple generations with Chapman speaking to audiences around the world about how to love one another. Dr. Chapman will be speaking multiple times while on campus, and we highly encourage the surrounding community to join! Anyone can attend these sessions free of charge. Below you will find a comprehensive schedule of events during the duration of Dr. Chapman’s visit.
Tuesday and Wednesday at 10am, Dr. Chapman will be leading us through a two-part series on essentials for long-term, healthy relationships. Tuesday evening at 7, Dr. Chapman will lead a message geared towards singleness.
On Tuesday, after the 10 o’clock message, Dr. Chapman will be having a question and answer time with local ministry leaders in Odyssey Coffeehouse, the resident coffeehouse on campus. If you are a local pastor and you would like to attend this session (spouses are also invited), please RSVP to Dr. Kevin Burris at
If you have any questions about Dr. Chapman’s upcoming visit or would like more information, please email our Marketing Department at
Tuesday, September 28
- Two Essentials for Long Term, Healthy Relationships – Part 1: Love
- Grace Alford Performing Arts Center, 10am
- Encouragement in Ministry + Q&A with Gary Chapman
- Local Pastors & Spouses, Odyssey Coffeehouse, 11am. RSVP to
- Things I Wish I Knew Before I Got Married
- Grace Alford Performing Arts Center, 7pm
Wednesday, September 29
- Two Essentials for Long Term, Healthy Relationships – Part 2: Apologize
- Grace Alford Performing Arts Center, 10am