Toccoa Falls, Ga. (October 4, 2023) — Toccoa Falls College is filled with many great mentors whose influence goes beyond our campus and grows the kingdom of God. As our community strives to develop character and intellect, we are thankful for every opportunity to learn from leaders whose character we know and trust. We are proud to highlight Dr. Rich Griffith, Associate Professor of Youth Ministry at TFC, and share the incredible work being done to impact youth and families nationwide.

Dr. Griffith has devoted his life to the field of Youth Ministry. He has two master’s degrees (Theology and Organizational Leadership) and a Youth, Family, and Culture doctorate from Fuller Theological Seminary. He is an author, speaker, coach, part-time pastor, and a single dad of three adopted sons. Dr. Griffith shares his expertise through many avenues and recently released his new book at the beginning of October. He explained, “After close to 30 years of Youth Ministry, being a disciple to other people’s children, and after my adoption journey, I realized I did not know how to disciple or mentor my own children with intentionality. With this in mind, and considering the level of anxiety in the lives of young people due to having too many voices vying for their attention, I wrote the book: Voices: Helping Our Children and Youth Listen to Wise Counsel.” This book provides a framework for evaluating the many competing voices in life and is available on Amazon.

In addition, Dr. Griffith has become the first contributing columnist selected to write a year’s worth of opening articles for the Brink Devotional Study Guide. This devotional is for college students and young adults without children, helping them find their place in the story God wants to tell through their lives. Dr. Griffith’s passion is evident as he continuously seeks to “offer hope to a generation experiencing a great deal of systemic abandonment, anxiety, and social discord.” He uses his knowledge and God-given talents to make a difference on many additional platforms, including being a member of the Summit on Stepfamily Ministry, columnist for, coach for Youth Ministry Consultants, speaker at D6 Family Ministry Conferences and Edinboro Youth and Family Camps, and serves on the Board of Directors and is host of the Association of Youth Ministry Educators (AYME) Podcast. 

Toccoa Falls College is delighted to have Dr. Griffith’s example in our community as he serves the Kingdom faithfully! Learn more about the youth ministry program at TFC by visiting