Hmong Preview

Toccoa Falls, Ga. (March 26, 2024) – Last weekend, Toccoa Falls College held an annual campus visit event to celebrate the Hmong ethnic group on campus. The Hmong Student Association (HSA) is an organization of students interested in serving the Hmong community and local churches, encouraging believers, promoting TFC, and proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. HSA is one of the many clubs and organizations offered at TFC to empower students, foster growth through pursuing God-given passions, bring like-minded students together to create community, and discover how each individual is best used to accomplish God’s purposes. 

The weekend was filled with intentional fellowship, small groups, workshops, and fun activities. A student favorite was Open Mic Night in Odyssey, the on-campus coffeehouse, where people sang karaoke, made bracelets, and played games. TFC is thankful to offer opportunities like this for prospective and current students to connect and grow closer to the Lord.

TFC and HSA look forward to hosting more events like this in the future. To learn more about upcoming campus visit opportunities, such as Campus Preview on April 6th, please visit