Campus Dining

The Toccoa Falls Waterfall
Nourish Your Body

Dining Options on Campus

There are three primary dining options on campus: the TFC Dining Hall, the Screaming Eagle Café, and Odyssey Coffeehouse.

Dining Options

TFC Dining Hall

The Dining Hall is located in the student center and offers students a variety of food to choose from in an all-you-can-eat option.

Dietary Restrictions

If you have food allergies, intolerances, sensitivities, and/or are in need of dietary assistance, we got you covered! Our culinary team is trained to develop a delicious solution to meet your needs. Reach out to our Campus Chef to schedule one-on-one meetings to discuss your specific needs, set up special accommodations, and more!

Chef Jennifer Markert | Executive Chef

Two Toccoa Falls College students smile in a cafeteria

Food Stations

  • Trattoria: The Pizza Oven
  • Traditions: Meat & Vegetable
  • Cucina: Grilled to Order
  • Vegetarian + Gluten Free
  • Salad + Soup Bar
  • Deli
  • Breakfast Bar
Dining Options

Screaming Eagle Café

The Screaming Eagle Café is a convenience-style retail dining option located in the student center. It has a Market, coffee shop, and a virtual kitchen. One of the best features of the Screaming Eagle Café is the wrap-around porch overlooking the mountains.

Toccoa Falls College eagles nest

Eagle Bucks

Eagle Bucks is a declining balance attached to your Student ID that automatically comes included with your meal plan. You will receive a specific amount of Eagle Bucks each semester to be used in the Screaming Eagle Café depending on your meal plan. You can also make purchases in the Screaming Eagle Café with a credit or debit card.

Additional Dining Options

Thumbnail for Campus Dining
Odyssey Coffeehouse Odyssey is our student-run coffeehouse on campus. With locally roasted beans, cozy coffee shop vibes, and the best chai that you’ve ever had, there is no better place to spend your time or dine on campus! Learn More About Odyssey
Thumbnail for Campus Dining
Food Around the Area There are an abundance of off-campus food options in the area ranging from 5 minutes to 30 minutes away. Discover local eats, favorite coffee shops, and even go-tos like Chick-Fil-A by visiting our Around the Area Page Around the Area
Joy Through Food

Meal Plan Options

TFC Culinary offers a variety of meal plans. All residential students are required to have a meal plan. Block plans can only be used in the dining hall. Eagle Bucks can be added anytime during the semester.

Meal PlanDining Hall SwipesEagle BucksMeal Exchange Swipes
All-Access 150 (Resident)Unlimited$150 per semester5 per week
All-Access 125 (Resident)Unlimited$125 per semester3 per week
Eagle Block 100 (Commuter)100NANA
Eagle Block 75 (Commuter)75NANA
Eagle Block 60 (Commuter)60NANA
Eagle Block 35 (Commuter)35NANA