Dr. Curt N. Wanner

Thumbnail for Dr. Curt N. Wanner
- Ph.D. – University of Georgia
- Th.M. – Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
- M.Div. – Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
- M.A. – Regent University
- B.A. – Wheaton College
- 2014 Vulcan Distinguished Teacher of the Year, Toccoa Falls College
- 2014 SGA (Student Government Association) Faculty of Impact, Toccoa Falls College
- 2010 Wade Distinguished Scholar of the Year, Toccoa Falls College
- Introduction to Communication
- Media and Society
- Film Genres
- Persuasion
- Introduction to Media Production
- Introduction to Mass Communication
- Introduction to Communication Theory
- New Media
- Narrative and Image
- Communication Ethics
- Christ, Communication and Culture
- Rhetoric of Media
- Study Abroad Europe
- Western Thought and Culture
- Rock ‘n Roll and Culture
- Theology and Popular Culture
- Media Production
Publications & Research Interests
Research Interests:
- Religion and Media
- Theology of Culture and Communication
Scholarly Work and Publications:
- Left Behind: The Loss of the Sacred in Apocalyptic Media Jeremiads
- Media Ecology Association Journal, Winter 2009
- Contributing Writer – Archaeology Study Bible, Zondervan, 2006
- “A Troublesome Triad: The Uneasy Relationship Between Structuralism and Cultural Studies in the Christian Classroom.” CCCU Cinema Studies Conference: Los Angeles, CA 2013
- “Cultural Revolutions as Discursive Experience: Evangelicals and the Right Revolution.” Cultural Studies Association Conference: University of California, San Diego, CA 2012
- “Light and Dark and a Culture of Dualism: Finding Space in Evangelical Cinema” CCCU Cinema Studies Conference: Los Angeles, CA 2011
- “Disappearance of Seniorhood: Multiculturalism in Children’s Programming” Media Ecology Association: St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO 2009
- “Pseudo-Eschatology: Media and the Kingdom of God” Evangelicalism: Now and Then: Toccoa Falls College, Toccoa Falls, GA 2009
- LOST: Convergence of Gospel and Media Narratives in Evangelical Homiletics In Medias Religiones: Duke University, Durham, NC 2008
- Contemporary Techno/Theology: Communication Technology and Media Ecology Association: Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, 2008 (Selected as Featured “Historical Materialism and the Kingdom of God” National Communication Association, Religious Communication Association San Diego, CA 2008
Hobbies & Fun Facts
When I’m away from the classroom, I enjoy:
- Being with my family
- Traveling
- Watching movies
What might people be interested to know?
- I went to high school in Hawaii. I have two boys and two girls. I enjoy traveling, going to the movies, golfing, and skiing. I also lived in 10 states by the time I was 18.
Favorite Verse/Quote
“The truth is a snare: you cannot have it, without being caught. You cannot have the truth in such a way that you catch it, but only in such a way that it catches you.” -Soren Kierkegaard
Teaching at TFC allows me to investigate the theological character of human communication.