Homeschool Admissions

Students with a homeschool education background thrive in our academic, spiritual, and social environment here at Toccoa Falls College. Whether you’re part of a homeschool co-op, primarily study online, participate in an accredited homeschool program, or do individual instruction, we are confident you would flourish at The Christian College of Georgia.
The Toccoa Falls Waterfall

The homeschool admissions process at Toccoa Falls College is not much different than our traditional undergraduate admissions. Submit your application, attach a personal testimony, and upload your unofficial homeschool transcripts all in the application portal.


Dual Enroll with TFC

Still have classes to complete to earn your high school home study diploma? Earn high school and college credit with TFC Dual Enrollment

Home School Admission Resources

Education Requirements

Toccoa Falls College does not require specific core academic areas or particular courses to be considered eligible for admission. Homeschool students must only complete the requirements to receive a high school diploma prior to enrolling at TFC.

Sending Official Transcripts

Homeschool students can receive an admissions decision with an unofficial homeschool transcript, but must send an official final transcript prior to enrolling at TFC. An official final  homeschool transcript must include the following: 


  • Student name
  • Homeschool name
  • Contact information
  • Course names
  • Course grades + weights
  • Final GPA
  • Graduation date
  • Signature of homeschool administrator (parent)
  • Transcript issue date on or after graduation date
  • Sent in sealed envelope with parent name on return address 
HOPE Eligibility

Homeschool students who are residents of Georgia may be eligible for the state HOPE Scholarship program during their first year of college attendance if they meet specific requirements. If they are not eligible for their first year of college attendance, they could qualify for Retroactive HOPE the following year. For more information regarding initial and retroactive eligibility visit GA Futures and read below:

Accredited Home Study HOPE Eligibility

Unaccredited Home Study HOPE Eligibility

  • Graduate with high school diploma or equivalency
  • Request an  academic evaluation from the Georgia Student Finance Commission
  • Earn qualifying test score prior to graduation
    • 24 composite on ACT or
    • 1160 on SAT

Retroactive HOPE

Students who graduate from an unaccredited home study program and did not meet test score requirements to receive HOPE their first year may apply to receive the HOPE scholarship retroactively. The student must complete 30 credit hours post high school graduation and earn a 3.0 GPA.  If approved after application, students will receive payment for the scholarship amount from the first year and immediately become eligible for the HOPE Scholarship in following semesters. The HOPE Scholarship Retroactive Payment Application must be submitted before the last day of the semester that follows the completion of 30 credit hours.