Quality Enhancement Plan

The Toccoa Falls Waterfall

Increasing Intercultural Competency

The mission of Toccoa Falls College is to “cultivate a uniquely Christian learning community that integrates the pursuit of truth with godly character to produce graduates prepared both personally and professionally for service.” In line with the mission and through the planning and evaluation process, the College developed its Quality Enhancement Plan centering on the goal of increasing the intercultural competency of the student body. The College administration, faculty, and staff realize that increasing our capacity to recognize, navigate, and bridge cultural differences is strategic in our culturally diverse world.

A variety of instruments will be utilized to assist in the assessment process: Global Perspective Inventory (GPI); Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI); Intercultural Sensitivity Scale (ISS); QEP Student Affairs Survey; QEP Spiritual Formation Survey; assignments with rubrics in HUM103, THE303, and Capstone Courses; and QEP Study Abroad GPI Survey.

Increasing the intercultural competency of our students is integral to the college’s mission to produce graduates prepared personally and professionally for service to humanity.

Goal: Increase the intercultural competency of the student body
Student Learning Outcome 1:
Students will recognize fundamental principles that increase intercultural competency
Student Learning Outcome 2:
Students will describe their growing appreciation of cultural diversity
Student Learning Outcome 3:
Students will explain their strategies for bridging cultural differences