Vulcan Award Winners
For 25 years, Vulcan Materials Company has sponsored the Vulcan Teaching Excellence Award through the Georgia Foundation for Independent Colleges. The company awards a $1000 grant to a faculty member who has made a distinctive difference both in the classroom and in the campus community. TFC winners of this award have provided model teaching and campus leadership, as well as pioneering teaching methods and creative course development. Faculty members are nominated by their peers with final selections being made by an awards committee. The Vulcan Teaching Excellence Award is one of the two highest faculty awards available to TFC faculty.
On November 1st, 2017 recent TFC Vulcan award recipients gathered at the Georgia Independent College Association meeting in Atlanta. Pictured are, Dale Garside (2017 winner), Russell Huizing (2015 winner), Jimmy Flemming, VP of Permitting and External Affairs for Vulcan Materials, and Curt Wanner (2014 winner). Not pictured is Chris Vena (2016 winner).