Remembering the Flood at Toccoa Falls College
November 6th marks the 47th anniversary of the devastating flood at Toccoa Falls College. It was during this flood that the college lost 39 members of our campus community. Of those 39 lost that night, 16 individuals were 8 years of age or younger. We will never forget the tremendous loss of life during that night.
The stories from that night are remarkable. Some stories bring about deep sadness while other stories describe the heroic efforts of TFC folks who saved lives and helped the injured during this tragedy. This was a night that changed the college forever.
All of us at Toccoa Falls College wish to remember and thank those in the local community, the State of Georgia, and throughout the nation who came to our aid rescuing survivors, caring for our TFC community and ultimately helping the college rebuild. We are thankful for the help and care provided by First Lady Rosalynn Carter. Mrs. Carter spent considerable time comforting our injured TFC family members and caring for those families who lost loved ones. We are forever grateful for each of you.
Our founding President, Dr. Richard Forrest, once quoted Isaiah 61:3 when the college faced tragedy in its early years. Here’s what that verse says about the hope possessed by believers in Christ:
To all who mourn He will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair.
This is exactly the attitude that was demonstrated by those who lived through this flood. There are numerous eyewitness accounts of TFC folks demonstrating praise instead of despair. To this day, we all continue to recognize the tremendous hope we have through Jesus Christ. Death is only temporary, and we will be reunited with those 39 TFC members again!
Robert M. Myers, D.B.A.
Toccoa Falls College