Dr. Huizing Wins Faculty Scholar of the Year Award
On May 10th, Toccoa Falls College presented several faculty and staff members with various awards in recognition for their excellence and service to the college. One such award was the Faculty Scholar of the Year Award which goes to a faculty member for scholarship in their field.
This year’s award was presented to Dr. Russell Huizing, Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry. Dr. Huizing demonstrated scholarship in a rarely precedential launch of a new journal. After laboring to establish scholars for its board and editorial staff, he is recognized as the founder and general editor of the Theology of Leadership Journal, which saw its first volume published online in March 2018. He also authored its editorial: “Do We Really Need Another Academic Journal?” This is an extraordinary accomplishment of scholarship. In addition, nine other chapter and article publications were also released:
• Three chapters in Evaluating Employee Performance through Christian Virtues
• One chapter in Ethics: The Old Testament, The New Testament, and Contemporary Application
• Articles in the Evangelical Review of Theology, Scandinavian Journal for Leadership & Theology, Alliance Life, Neotestamentica, and the Journal of Applied Christian Leadership
TFC is proud to have Dr. Russell Huizing as a member of its faculty.