Youth Ministry

Program Overview

Why Study Youth Ministry at TFC?

Want to minister to young lives while empowering the next generation of leaders? Study Youth Ministry at Toccoa Falls College! The youth ministry degree allows students to focus on making disciples of youth in the church and faith-based nonprofit setting. The youth ministry degree program can be completed either in-person or online, with the online youth ministry degree program offering students an affordable and flexible path forward.  Students will learn to cultivate community through small group settings, as well as develop spiritual care and counseling methods. Theological, academic, and practical engagement will produce graduates who are transformation-minded leaders that envision personal and spiritual growth for their youth.

The youth ministry degree is a dynamic program designed to provide students with a well-rounded, Christ-centered education. Students are given the insight they need to adapt and teach in the midst of ever-changing demographics. Each course in the program is taught by high-quality faculty members who have expertise in a variety of fields. While enrolled in this program, students are mentored and given guidance as they search for youth ministry internships. This program provides ample opportunities for hands-on ministry experience, such as leading youth group events and services. Students develop the skills they need to deliver the gospel message to young people.

two Toccoa Falls College students smiling
Degree Layout

Youth Ministry Courses

The Youth Ministry major is a 126 hour program that includes 69 hours of general education courses (including 30 hours of Bible & Theology), 15 hours of open electives, and 42 hours in Youth Ministry-specific courses.

Featured Courses:

  • Introduction to Communicating to Youth
  • Youth Culture
  • Curriculum Development for Youth Ministry
  • Youth Evangelism & Discipleship
Kayla Merritt


Being in the Youth Ministry program at TFC is foundational to who I am today. The community I found in the Youth Ministry department was a ‘soft place to land’ as I entered college and questioned what path to take. The teachers and coursework ignited a passion in me to integrate my faith into every part of life. We were encouraged to mentor, disciple, and be on mission in the present moment, not just when we completed our degrees. Overall, the program equipped me to be a faith-filled leader who carries God’s great hope into all the spaces and places He has called me to.
Kayla Merritt, Class of 2012
Career Options

What can you do with a Youth Ministries degree?

When you earn a degree in Youth Ministry, you will find that there are many career opportunities available to you. Graduates are qualified for a wide range of jobs, such as:

Youth Minister or Youth Pastor

A youth minister or pastor is typically a position at a Christian church. The person in this position works directly with the youngest members of the congregation, often guiding them as they develop spiritually.


A coach plays a pivotal role in the social and emotional development of young children and adolescents. An individual who earns an online youth ministry degree would be well-qualified to serve as a coach at a Christian school or organization.

School Counselor

An individual who has earned a youth ministry degree could also be qualified to work as a school counselor, as this position requires a person to be able to gently guide a student as they discover who they are and who they want to become.


Missionaries often lead young people to areas where they can serve those who are in need, making someone with a youth ministry degree uniquely qualified for this position.

Meet the Professors

Ministry Leadership