General Studies

Program Overview

Why Study General Studies at TFC?

The mission of the General Studies major is to produce graduates prepared both personally and professionally for service through a unique and individually-tailored path of study leading to an accredited college degree. General Studies majors will gain a well-rounded, basic understanding of interdisciplinary pursuits including biblical and theological studies, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and mathematics.

Other learning objectives of the General Studies major include developing skill in expressing oneself orally and in writing, learning how to find and use resources to explore topics in depth for college-level research projects, and developing Christian reasoning and decision making by applying personal biblical values to all aspects of life.

Class lecture of bible theology
Minor Option:
  • English
Program Video

General Studies

“General Studies is a wonderful opportunity for a student to look at the vast array of academic offerings at TFC and to choose what they want, thinking about how Christ has called that individual student to make a difference in the world.”

Dr. Curt Wanner
Dean, School of Arts & Sciences, Professor of Communication

Man reaching for text book on a shelf
Degree Layout

General Studies Courses

The General Studies major is a 126 hour program that includes 69 hours of general education courses (including 30 hours of Bible & Theology), 21 hours of open electives, and 36 hours in General Studies-specific courses. The flexibility of this degree completion option will allow you to identify a traditional major that meets your academic, profession, and/or ministry goals. You will be encouraged to use your 21 hours of open electives towards a minor.

Featured Courses:

  • Bible & Theology
  • Humanities
  • Social Sciences
  • Science
  • Mathematics
Seth Banks


My time at Toccoa Falls College was unique in many ways. After two years of community college I transferred to TFC. While I am grateful for my time at community college, community was one of many things it just didn’t offer. Within my first week at TFC I had established genuine friendships that I knew would last a lifetime. If you’re like me and feel overwhelmed with the pressure to have the rest of your life figured out at the ripe age of 18, then General Studies might be an excellent option for you. I loved the General Studies track at TFC because it gave me a broad range of classes to choose from such as theology, ministry leadership, psychology, and philosophy. I was especially thankful that the General Studies track allowed most, if not all, of my community college credits to count toward my degree.
Seth Banks, Class of 2017
Career Choices

What can you do with a General Studies degree?

When you earn an associate’s degree in General Studies, you will find that there are many career opportunities available to you. Graduates are qualified for a wide range of jobs, such as:

Professional Programs/Post-Graduate Degrees

A common next step for general studies graduates are to seeking graduate schooling through a variety of professional degree programs or post-graduate degree options. By completing a general studies program, students are prepared to apply to theological seminaries, law schools and many more!

Business Manager

With a general studies degree, you will be qualified to lead a team and work with individuals to help them achieve their personal goals as well as their team-based goals. A manager often relies on data in order to measure the progress of the team, and typically works to create training programs to improve performance.


Those who graduate with a degree in general studies are passionate about a variety of fields, which makes them well-suited for a career in education. Many graduates pursue careers as tutors, high school teachers, or seek the graduate education needed to teach at the college-level.