Toccoa Falls College is excited to announce we’ve been ranked in the 50 Best Colleges for Online Bachelor’s Degrees 2018, by Nonprofit Colleges Online.  This ranking highlights the best non-profit, regionally accredited colleges and universities at which to pursue an online education leading to a Bachelor’s Degree. This ranking utilizes a variety of publicly available data including tuition rates, U.S. News scores, percentage of full-time students receiving scholarship or grant aid from the college, number of bachelor’s degree programs offered, and student to teacher ratios. This data was put through a carefully weighted formula that assigns each school under evaluation a score of 1 to 100. The top 50 scoring schools are featured in this ranking. As always, only regionally accredited nonprofit or public schools were eligible for this ranking.  Toccoa Falls College ranked #32 in the top 50 Best Colleges for Online Bachelor’s Degrees.  For more information visit